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“ Esprit Solera, invites and beckons you to the past „


Reserve wine only on Pinot Noir
from 2004 to 2012
Retail price at the estate in France
41,30€ / bottle *
* For large orders, please consult us.

With the use of a special maturation process, Esprit Solera, invites and beckons you to the past. The Solera method combines different wines of several years and creates a blend that will be perpetually refreshed.
The lingering taste in the mouth from this gourmet champagne will brighten up any of your festive or special dining occasion.


Particularities of the Solera ageing method :
After the blendings in January a portion of the wine of the year is put on « reserve » and kept in stainless steel tanks at 13° C . They obtain light ageing aromas. A part of those wines is used for next year blendings, the remaining part is completed by the wine from the new vintage, etc, etc…, This way, the reserve is refreshed every year without loosing its ageing notes.


Esprit Solera origins
It all began by keeping wine only from Pinot Noir from the vintage 2004, quickly completed by Pinot Noir wines from vintage 2005,2006 … and using those wines for our blendings.
Tasted every year, this reserve tank always left good impressions. Therefore, we decided to put aside this reserve wine and we created a champagne made only from this blend : a thousand bottles were made in 2011 for the first time.
Aged in a cellar of 12°C during at least 10 years, these reserve wines refine their maturity without loosing their freshness, thanks to the prise de mousse. The Esprit Solera was born !



The colour is still a pale yellow, despite all these years. We can see tears on the glass side, sign of ageing.


We find light citrus aromas, sign of a remaining freshness. The nose brings us almond, hazelnut, candied fruits notes but also vanilla.


Amazing freshness with granny apple notes, pomelo and nut fruits. The mouth has a light truffle taste, which will develop in a few time. Beautiful lenght of the taste with a minty finale.

Food and Wine matching

poultry ravioles with truffle sauce, beef filet with truffles, breast of duck sweet and sour sauce.


cité dans le magazine Challenges n°677- décembre 2020
"Charnue et gourmande, cette cuvée régale par une fraicheur intacte (notes d'agrumes) et sa délicate évolution (notes d'amandes, de noisettes et de fruits confits"
16/20 dans Vins et Terroirs Authentiques (guide belge) - 2019/2020